Tuesday, September 2, 2008

McIver meets the Monkey Class teachers

We thought this day would never come! Finally, after Olivia being in school for an entire week, McIver was able to go to his school to meet his teachers today. (He already knew them, but he was able to go in his classroom and play with his new classmates and enjoy a cupcake treat.)

Here he is ("dressed as a dogcatcher") ready to walk out the door to go to the party.

The moms and dads were not invited into the classroom during the first part of the party in an effort to instill confidence in the children and their ability to walk right in and find something to do. McIver did not have any trouble at all with my leaving. He didn't even look up to tell me good-bye. Here he is enjoying a cupcake with Madison who was in my class last year.
He already has 2 jobs for this week.
Check out his cool tower.
Finally, a picture with Mrs. Jean (left) and Mrs. Hunter (right) . . . looks like he's known them for years!
I just returned from Open House at Westbury. I am SO excited for McIver to be in the Monkey Class this year. It's going to be a perfect fit for him. They do obstacle courses in the classroom, they play loud music, Mrs. Hunter takes TONS of pictures, they invite Mystery Readers to the class and so much more. The year is broken into units based on the letters of the alphabet. The rest of this week will be mostly getting to know each other and the routine, but then they start next week with the Letter A - America, art and animals. I can't wait to see what he brings home!

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