Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Spring Break 2010 - Thursday

The kids were thrilled to start their day with a trip to Dunkin Donuts.

Olivia got down on the floor with Tex and caught this picture - I need to talk to her about making sure the camera strap isn't in the way, but other than that, it's a pretty cute picture.  Love that little nose!

We had invited Will's brothers, Robert & Jay, and their families to join us for a cook-out and Easter Egg hunt Thursday night.   Will and Olivia got busy filling the eggs with treats before the dads left for golf.

Thursday was a GREAT beach day.  The wind was calmer and the temperature was just a touch warmer.  We had a few meltdowns due to our later night on Wednesday, but everyone seemed to recover pretty nicely.  The kids enjoyed a picnic of quesadillas (and their very own soft drinks) on the beach.

A shot of the aforementioned meltdown.  Morgan just decided to remove himself from the situation.

McIver told me he needed to 'do some stretching' before he could go boogie boarding.

Olivia catching some air as she jumped into her hole.

The kids also kept busy (very busy, especially McIver!) collecting shells.  Each child had their own circle in the sand with their initials so that they could spread out their finds.  McIver ended up with three circles.

I let Olivia loose with the camera again - she took a picture of every. single. shell she collected, and there were LOTS.  Here's my favorite shot.  I thought it would be fun to do something with some of the pictures she took, but most have shadows, half a toe or (again) the camera strap in them.  Maybe that can be a project that we work on this summer... taking good digital photos.  I think she'd love to have them framed in a collage in her room.

After a full day at the beach, we headed back to the house to prepare for the Easter Egg hunt and cook-out.  That deserves its own post so you'll have to be patient.

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