Saturday, June 26, 2010

She's Home!!!

McIver and I got up at the crack of dawn to drive to Brevard to pick Olivia up for camp.  They said to be there anytime between 9 and 12, but I wanted to get there as close to 9 as possible.  They were very organized with the whole pick-up process which I really appreciated.  I just wish we had been able to walk around the camp a little bit to show McIver around.

Olivia was waiting with her counselor and cabin mates on 'the hill.'  She was one tired little girl!

Then we drove down to pick up her trunk.  This counselor was on the other side of their cabin.

Olivia wanted to say good-bye to 'her horse' Oliver.  I was not prepared to walk across a horse pasture in flip flops, but it made her happy, so that's what we did.

Oliver was being passive-aggressive - he did not want to say good-bye.

Campers walked through a tunnel under the highway to get from the mountain-side of the camp to the pastures down below.

Of course, McIver had to go through the tunnel.

Apparently, no trip to Brevard is complete without a trip to Dolly's Dairy Bar.  They have tons of different ice cream flavors, including 22 named for different camps in the area that bring campers for a treat each summer.

So glad to see Daddy!

And Tex.

Since Olivia had been eating (or not, as the case may be) camp food for the last week and a half, we let her choose where to go to celebrate her homecoming.  She chose Forest Lake and we all enjoyed a great dinner and heard all about camp.


1 comment:

Lori Lavender Luz said...

I bet that was some reunion. I would have had trouble with the flip flop walk through the pasture, though.

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