Thursday, December 27, 2007

Nativity sets

Spent most of today unpacking (suitcases from our week in Myrtle Beach) and packing up (Christmas decorations). I was sad to see our Nativity sets go since the kids always have so much fun playing with them. So, we decided to take some pictures...

Every child who believes should have this Fisher Price Nativity set.

This is another kid-friendly set. It's all wood and doesn't matter if the kids drop the wise men on the ground, or ir Murphy's tail knocks them off the table.
This one is up a little higher - the pieces are porcelain and so sweet.

Can you see Baby Jesus' face?

I bought this one this year from Martha Bailey who was a vendor at the ECW Annual Meeting at Palmer. Of course, each set is different depending on the wood, but I just loved this one. I stewed over it for the whole first day of the conference and just couldn't get it off my mind. I just love it!

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