Sunday, December 30, 2007

Visit to George Ranch

Olivia, McIver and I (sort or) enjoyed a field trip to George Ranch Saturday afternoon. The ranch started about 180 years ago (when TX was still part of Mexico) and has been in the same family for 4 generations.

Olivia decided that if we were going to a 'real ranch' she should wear her cowboy hat and boots.

McIver's holding out for a hat at this year's rodeo.

Stop #1: Horse Barn/ Sorting Pens/ Tack Barn/ Dipping Vat - We saw real cowboys roping bales of hay and the 'pool' that the cows swam thru in order to get the medicine to rid them of ticks, etc. The cowboy giving our talk was very nice and excited to be wearing the boots that Santa brought him for Christmas.

Believe it or not, I was more interested in hearing the history of the place than O & Mac.

Stop #2: The bridge to the 1890 complex - McIver kept his eyes open for alligators but decided they must be sleeping because it was so cold.

Stop #3: 1830s Jones Stock Farm: This was a replica of a house built in the 1830s and was furnished accordingly. Olivia is holding a spoon made from a long horn. The kids were not impressed that 15 people lived in this tiny house - I kept trying to tell them how good they have it! They loved climbing up into the loft. They finally seemed to 'get it' when they realized that the beds up there were what folks actually slept in - scratchy blankets, hard beds, no lights, no heat or AC and a bucket to go potty in.

Stop #4: Hay & Tool Barn - Both kids were very interested in (and a bit concerned by) the idea of 'branding' the cattle.

Like I said, I enjoyed the history lesson more than the children did. There were 3 other houses to visit, but the kids decided they had had enough. Of course, the next day, they asked to go back again.

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