Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mothers Day 2007

Happy Mothers Day to all! I could not have asked for a better Mothers Day - Olivia, McIver and I went to the Family Service at church this morning. They were able to light the candles so they thought that was pretty cool. Father Sam invited all the kids to the front to sit with him and it was nice (finally) not to have to worry that McIver would wander around getting into trouble. He sat right next to Fr. Sam and was able to say something into the microphone (I DID worry about what in the world would come out of his mouth, but whatever he said was benign enough that I've already forgotten!). Will was on call yesterday and had to round this morning so he wasn't able to make it. But, we all enjoyed a wonderful get-together with the DuMays and a bunch of folks for dinner.

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