Saturday, September 12, 2009

Labor Day in Big Canoe with the YaYas - Boat Ride

Pop rented a pontoon boat for us on Sunday. The kids all loved putting (and I DO mean 'putting') around the lake on two separate boat rides. The boat ran on two batteries to keep the noise level down, but it also kept the speed level down, too. No one really minded. Everyone took a turn at the wheel, fed the geese and tried to catch a fish.

Julia at the wheel.

McIver kept wanting the boat to go faster.

Olivia had a great time feeding the geese. She thought it was hilarious when Fielding let them grab left-over quesadilla straight from his hands.

All the kids piled on the back of the boat to watch the geese swimming after us. If it had been a race, the geese just may have won.

Olivia loves her Pop!

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