Thursday, September 24, 2009

Not Getting My Hopes Up

But... I have an interview this afternoon for a teaching associate position at Heathwood. The Director of the ECLC (Early Childhood Learning Center) called last night to see if I would be interested in interviewing. They have two Nursery School classes - one 5-day, one 3-day. They thought that both classes would be able to share an associate teacher, but it turns out that they want to hire an associate in the 3-day Nursery School class. It would be so much fun to get back into the classroom to play and the schedule sounds perfect for keeping busy and still having time to go to the grocery store by myself. I'm not the only person interviewing and I only have 2 years of experience (more if you count my own children, but I don't think they do!) so I'm not getting my hopes up. I'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

Kelli Merritt said...

Good Luck! Sounds like fun!!