Thursday, September 3, 2009

Out of The Mouths of Babes

I noticed when I picked McIver up from school yesterday that he had a substitute teacher so I asked him who was absent.

McIver: Well, it's my teacher's anniversary and she had to leave early today.
Me: Really, why?
McIver: She had to go home to kiss.

On the way home, I told the kids that I was going out with some girls for dinner. Apparently, McIver started to hang his head and pout. So, to make him feel better, Olivia said:
Don't worry, McIver. She's not going out with girls you'll like. She's going out with girls that are old, like she is.

Thanks a lot, Olivia!

1 comment:

Forty Two East said...

I just came across your blog...
What a funny blog post, it's so funny how little children can say the funniest thing. Oh to be young again.
