Sunday, December 18, 2011

Nance's with the Spann Family

Saturday afternoon, we met up with Will's brothers and their families to see the new creekhouse that is being built.  It was getting dark so I wasn't able to take any pictures, but it's going to be beautiful!  I'm sure we'll make lots of family memories there.  Afterwards, we headed to Nance's Creekfront Restaurant for dinner.  Turns out that we had a table for 24!  Ginny is one of four Spanns and each of those families was represented.  It was a great time, relatively relaxed even though we had 7 children, with delicious oysters.  (I realize it's easy for me to say it was 'relatively relaxed' since my children are old enough to order their own food and go to the bathroom by themselves.  The abundance of iPads, iPhones and iTouches helped as well.)  Anyway, here's our crew ...

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