Sunday, May 18, 2008

Parish Picnic - Cat Spring, TX

Palmer's Senior Warden and his family invited our entire parish to their family ranch for the afternoon yesterday. Olivia, McIver and I joined about 100 other Palmers at Yellow Creek Ranch for a Parish Picnic, complete with (beef) barbecue and all the fixins', a Hummer ride, water gun fight, croquet and more. The weather was perfect and everyone really seemed to be enjoying themselves.

It was next to impossible to keep the kids out of the pool, but we did manage to keep them (mostly) dry. The rockwall at one end of the pool was just too tempting. I caught McIver on it early in the day but was able to convince him that he would not want to get caught up there again.

Check out this ride! The kids were all clamoring for a ride on top, although the inside was pretty cool, too. Eric took us for a ride around the ranch to see the cows. I think we even saw a hawk (or 4). It was a very bumpy ride, but the kids all kept going back for more.
Let the battle begin! Water guns were everywhere. The kids were stuck with the little ones while 2 dads had Super Soakers to get everyone wet. Too bad for them that the kids teamed up and started filling up water bottles and using the hose against them. By the end of the 30 minute war, everyone was SOAKED! It was fun to watch until I became a human shield.
Olivia looked like she had jumped in the pool by the time the war was over.
It was a great day - and we hope to visit the ranch again soon!

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