Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Olivia's Mayflower Project

Olivia had a Mayflower Project for school. Since I was in bed with a miserable eye infection all day on Sunday, Will took over. They talked about the project and did some internet research (gotta love Google!). And, the good news is that it turns out the project isn't due until next Monday - so we're done WAY ahead of schedule!

Olivia with her Mayflower and written report
A few facts (her spelling, not mine):
He save a long time.
He had 70 men on the ships weh hem.
He fawd land he fawd Indians on it.
He was a nis man.
(Since I wasn't part of the project, I didn't challenge that last fact.)
Thw Pilgrims Journey on the Mayflower
The captain is an important person of the Mayflower and his name was Christopher Columbus.
They left from Southampton England and sailed to Plymouth Massachusetts.

There were 102 passengers and a baby was born during the trip.
(Bet you didn't know that!?)
They left on September 16, 1620 and sailed for sixty-six days.

My birthday (I'm sure Christpher Columbus took that into account when he decided to set sail.)

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