Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Houston the Elf

Houston made another appearance this morning - roasting marshmallows with Barbie and GI Joe.  Houston heard me talking about the Stricklins' elf, Jessie, who recently had a marshmallow roasting party with Holiday Barbie and Optimus Prime.  Olivia and McIver thought this was just hilarious - and helped themselves to a few marshmallows for breakfast.  I'm sure their teachers are thrilled with Houston!

Coming soon:  Video of Houston flying away from his most recent hiding spot.  McIver set up the Flip camera last night and turned it on.  It recorded for over an hour before the battery ran out.  Magically, though, it turned back on and caught Houston's feet as he flew from our bar area into the kitchen for his marshmallow roast.  (Olivia took the camera to school to show her friends today so I'll have to post the video later.)

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