Friday, June 3, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend - part 3

McIver wanted to feed the fish in the lake so we packed him a ziploc bag full of bread from various packages we had brought for the weekend so he could do a little experiment.  He's convinced he saw a large-mouth bass (which he called a "big mouth bass") and just knew it would like the rye bread.  It only took McIver, Andrew and Julia about 5 minutes to unload all the bread.

It didn't take long for Olivia and Maggie to get in the pool.

On their way from the pool/beach area over to the rock slide (after reminding me to bring my camera this time!).  I loved tagging along behind them and watching them talk with their hands even though I couldn't hear what they were saying.

I managed to get this shot of Olivia on the first part of the rock slide.

Then I hustled down to the very bottom so I could try to get a shot of her coming down the second part.

After feeding the fish, he decided he wanted to try to catch one.

McIver was all about this bridge and trail.  He thought he knew where it went, but...

...he was turned away.  Bummer!

Once the guys finished with golf, Will met us at the rock slide.  McIver tried it again and liked it this time.

Then we headed over to the Wildcat pool.  It was just us for a little while, then slowly, almost everyone joined us.

Love my Ash - and so glad that she and her family are coming to Columbia tomorrow!!