Sunday, August 10, 2008

Tadpole Update

They're dead - all 10 of them... dead, dead, dead. Oops. Even though the tadpoles met an untimely demise, I did not have to go into a long, drawn-out explanation of death and dying with Olivia or McIver. (Olivia was really less interested in the tadpoles from the beginning so she wasn't at all concerned about their deaths.)

But, in an effort not to make the same mistake twice, McIver and I googled "how to raise tadpoles" yesterday morning. Apparently, it's not as easy as putting them in a tupperware container. We made 2 crucial mistakes - we left them in too much sun (according to tip#1 - they need about 3/4 shade - we gave them full sun) and we put regular water in the container (according to tip#2, tap water has chlorine which, unfortunately, kills tadpoles). So, tips 3-7 were really moot points for our little tadpole farm.

In case you're interested, go here to find out all you ever wanted to know about raising tadpoles. We'll do better next time - I'm sure there will be one!

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