Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Camp Gravatt Drop-Off

McIver was SO EXCITED about going to Camp Gravatt yesterday.  Once we passed through the gates and found a place to park, McIver wanted to have his picture taken with the Camp Gravatt sign.

We made a special stop by the lake on the way home from Rockbrook to pick up McIver's fishing rod.

After checking in, getting his tent assignment and putting money in his canteen account, McIver headed off with one of his counselors to his cabin.  (And didn't look back once to see whether or not I was following him.)

I drove the car over to the cabin so that we could unload the trunk and just had to take a picture of "the blob."  McIver couldn't wait to take his swim test so he could hit the blob.  I was glad to find out that there weren't age restrictions.  If there had been, I would NOT have been the one to break that news to him!

All set up in his bunk (with a mouth full of gum).  We were told to pack a blanket and sleeping bag, but I'm not convinced that he'll need either.  It was so stinkin' hot in that cabin!

This is one of the 'tent cabins' that most of the campers stay in.  McIver's cabin seemed to be newer, though.  I'm thinking the tent cabin might be better, though, because if a breeze were to come through, these kids will be able to enjoy it.  Seriously, though, that is rustic!

Happy Campers!  This little guy was on McIver's baseball team.  We weren't sure if they would be in the same cabin but were so glad to find out that they are.  There are also several other boys from Columbia in his cabin (the son of one of my tennis teammates, too).  They go to all different schools (and are rising 1st and 2nd graders) and have played on different sports teams together.  They were a really cute bunch of kids and all looked like they were ready to have a great time at camp.

1 comment:

Meghan said...

I went to Gravatt for several years and loved it. He is going to have the best time. Makes me want to be a little kid again!