Saturday, October 11, 2008

Open House at Olivia's school

Olivia's school FINALLY held Open House last week. It had been cancelled due to a leaky roof the second week of school, then was rescheduled for the Monday after Ike passed through, so of course, it was cancelled again. Her teacher went over some expectations she has for her students (e.g. it is the students' responsibility to have their papers signed and returned to their folders and bring the folders back to school each day). She also told us about a cool new online math tool that they are using this year. Olivia will log in to do each assignment and her teacher will be able to check her work and know what we need to work on. Now, if we can just get our Comcast reliable again, she'll be set.

This is is what I found waiting for me in Olivia's classroom when I arrived. Stations are different areas in the classroom like 'centers' in preschool classrooms, but they are, of course, more appropriate for 1st graders - reading, computers, journalling, math manipulatives and games and more... From Olivia's drawing, it is clear that she likes computer and the interactive globe.

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